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Oracle Code Factory 12.3

Oracle Code Factory Oracle Code Factory 12.3

Screenshots of Oracle Code Factory

Oracle Code Factory Publisher's Description

Oracle Code Factory is a premier Oracle GUI tool aimed at the SQL queries and scripts development.

Key features include:
Visual Query Builder;
handy SQL editor with code folding and syntax highlighting, simultaneous executing of several queries with multi-threading;
data management features as viewing, editing, grouping, sorting and filtering to analyze the queries data in the most convenient way;
data export/import to/from the most popular formats including Excel, HTML, XML, and more;
powerful BLOB Viewer and Editor.

What's New in Version 12.3 of Oracle Code Factory

Version 12.3 introduces Unicode support in editors, updated code folding appearance, viewing BLOB data as PDF, data import from ODBC data source, Spanish translation and a lot of other new features.

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